Of all the childcare businesses you could buy and start running, what sets Building Kidz and our preschool philosophy apart from the competition?
If you’re looking to get into the childcare business, you might be considering buying a daycare franchise or starting a preschool franchise. At Building Kidz, we question whether this is an appropriate distinction to make. We don’t think of care and education as separate entities when dealing with young children.
To care for young children properly means providing quality cognitive stimulation and rich language environments. It means facilitating social, emotional, and motor development. Effective early childhood education can happen only if it’s accompanied by good physical care and warm effective relationships.
As the owner of a childcare business, you want to make a good profit and you want to make a positive impact in kids’ lives. At Building Kidz, we have high-quality early learning development programs that can make a tremendous difference in the lives of children and parents alike. We give families the peace of mind of knowing their child is in a safe place with caregivers and educators who are qualified and dedicated to support their child’s early learning. We set kids on a path to success in school and in life.
By joining our Building Kidz family as a franchisee, you join us on our mission of building confidence, commitment, and character in children in your community. You can help solidify a lifelong joy and satisfaction in children whenever they think of learning and the performing arts. Furthermore, you get to own your own profitable business and provide jobs to phenomenal teachers and administrators in your area.
Some childcare businesses are content to keep kids safe and occupied. At Building Kidz, we do that, but we also educate young children. We educate kids in a unique and especially engaging way that makes them eager to learn and prepares them to succeed in their further education. Here’s what sets us apart:
To establish a foundation for a greater society through a global presence of preschools and non-profit partnerships resulting in one million children receiving a world-class early childhood education.
To create a community where we challenge children intellectually and empower them. We facilitate a lifelong interest in learning for our kids. Our students engage in the arts to keep them interested and accelerate the development of their confidence, commitment, and character.
To develop the “whole child.” Our comprehensive arts-integrated educational program focuses on six key areas of development: emotional, social, cognitive, physical, communication, and academic. We offer each child customized learning experiences that stimulate their confidence, commitment, and character.
Ask any parent in the world if the arts are important to their kids, and they’ll say yes. At Building Kidz, we know the arts are a vital part of a well-rounded education. Unfortunately, other preschools and childcare businesses don’t seem to realize this. Perhaps driven by budget cuts, or perhaps just because of a narrow view of education, many early childhood education institutions have sacrificed the arts in favor of subjects considered to be more “academic”. The sad result is these kids do not receive high-quality early learning.
Although there are many childcare businesses, day care centers, pre-schools, and schools around the world, there are precious few learning centers that truly provide high-quality education. Building Kidz offers this along with specialization in substantial enrichment programs like language, reading, music, dance, and theater. To learn more about what makes Building Kidz special, please contact us.